consumption of the tobacco in Mexico
Al Ries and Jack Trout, they published the 22 Immutable Laws of the Marketing research. There the synthesis of thousands of experiences of success of marketing research can be found.
They say that many human necessities are constructed in an artificial way by the marketing research, of the same form in which the “necessity” is constructed to smoke.
In order to obtain its high sales, the tobacco industry finds in the marketing research its main tool. If the companies cigar cases, by means of the marketing research promote different styles from life and fantastic perceptions around their marks of cigarettes and thanks to it conserve and gain new clients, in the same way, then so that the cigarette consumption diminishes, the health authorities must try to change the perception that also has the consuming respect to the cigarette by means of the use of the marketing research.
Antecedents Methodology.
World-wide the public health is being hit by the chronic and degenerative sufferings, for which the diseases related to the tobacco are highly responsible.
To obtain that the efforts of against tobacco publicity are ruled by means of good strategies of communication and marketing research, so that the few economic resources of the governments destined to this kind of publicity are used of more efficient way.
Making a meta analysis, of the laws of the marketing research, an instrument was designed and with it, posters with message against tobacco were evaluated used by the sanitary authorities of Mexico.
Practically no evaluated poster had a level of satisfactory content of marketing research. Also an orientation guide determined itself of how an efficient poster must be designed.
Learning Objectives: Step 1. The participant will know the details the marketing research laws that are susceptible to be used in the elaboration of messages against the use of the tobacco. Step 2. The participant will be able to analyze as the messages of the tobacco publicity can be analyzed, in the same form, to manage to create more effective messages against the consumption of the tobacco Step 3. The participant will learn to analyze how can be used with more success the concepts of commercial marketing research in areas that have been worked by means of the social marketing research and how evaluating the level of marketing research information that contains a poster against the use of the tobacco.
Sub-Theme: Controlling the tobacco epidemic
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe