130.11 Telemarketing and masticatory muscles pain: An occupational approach

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Alcylene Carla de Jesus dos Santos Faculty of Physical Therapy, UCSAL; Faculty of Physical Therapy, UNEB; Instituto de Saúde Coletiva - UFBA, Brazil
Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna UFBA, Brazil
Introduction: Temporomandibular disorder (DTM) is characterized by pain in masticatory muscles, pain in temporomandibular joint, joint sounds, and limited mandible movements. It can be classified as articular or muscular, according to the symptoms. It has as etiologic factors stress and joint overload, conditions ever seen in telemarketing. Although pathogenic potential in this activity is a public health problem, research about masticatory muscles pain (MMP) in this occupational group was not too investigated.
Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of masticatory muscles pain (MMP) among telemarketers and identify associated factors for its occurrence emphasizing those related to occupation.
Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out with telemarketers of a call center, by questionnaire and physical exam. Clinical, social demographic, occupational, psychosocial (JCQ), and psychical stress (GHQ) aspects were considered. Sign and symptoms, and gravity were established by RDC/TMD and TMI respectively. Descriptive analysis was preceded. To verify the associations, odds ratio (OR), adjusted for the independent variables, was estimated by means of non-conditional logistic regression.
Results: 200 telemarketers participated in this study. The frequency of TMD among telemarketers was 40,50%, with low gravity (TMI=0,08±0,02). Results of the logistic analysis showed a positive association among activity time (ORajust= 2,0; 95%IC: 1,1- 4,0) p=0,03; calls by day  (ORajust= 2,1; 95%IC: 1,1- 3,9)  p=0,02;  stress level (ORajust= 2,1; 95%IC: 1,1- 4,4) p= 0,05;  and TMD.
Conclusion: Results suggest, in the study population, association between  more than 7 months activity time, more than 82 calls by day and high level stress and MMP.  The knowledge of occupational factors associated to MMP in this population study favors preventive actions to reduce its prevalence.  It also shows the necessity of attention to this activity that is related with multiple effects.

Learning Objectives: 1.Recognize potential occupational risk factors in telemarketing activity associated to mastigatory muscles pain. 2. Articulate preventive actions to reduce the occurrence of masticatory muscles pain among tlemarketers. 3. Develop adequated coping strategies as reduced working time from six to four hours a day, with a defined pause time according to it.

Sub-Theme: Environmental and Occupational Health