Law: a public health tool

Tuesday, April 24, 2012: 14:00-15:30
D: Dennis G. Carlson (Millennium Hall)
Michele Forzley, Widener School of Law, USA and Tilahun Teshome, Addis Ababa University Law School, Ethiopia
This panel will present how law is an effective means to promote positive health outcomes and a model on how to put the law into action. During the first three days of the conference panelists will conduct a LegalHealth Clinic and provide legal problem identification and triage for conference attendees. More information will be available at the conference. Health is the result of biological and social determinants; how often have populations remained ill even though proven clinical interventions have been delivered. Laws are one of the social determinants rarely highlighted or detailed in public health discourse. Yet laws and their enforcement are essential to increased equitable and sustainable access to health services for all and especially for poor and marginalized populations. In this panel several models of medical-legal partnerships (MLP) will be presented to show how legal and paralegal services, education and advocacy can be integrated into public health interventions and at health service settings. MLP models function even in the most resource restricted settings, can be established in any country, and adapted to any population or health problem. Examples of the value of integrating law into health interventions and services will be explored through the lens of: 1. Access to medicines- MDG 8, 2. The health of women and children - the right to education and land ownership- MDGS 1, 4, 5, and 7. 3. How do Ethiopia and Uganda address quarantine in outbreaks, disaster preparedness and response and other health issues such as chronic disease management. 4. Formation and governance of an NGO, with a focus on the African federation of Public Health Associations and MDG 8 5. Following these examples, the panel will guide participants on how to establish a public health legal partnership and then take questions. Participants are encouraged to send to Prof. Michele Forzley ( an example of a health problem that has not been resolved even though the best medical or public health intervention has been used. The speakers will be asked to comment on some of these at the end of the panel. During the conference Prof. Forzley and the other attorneys will be available at a LegalHealth Clinic for one-on-one legal problem triage.
Law and Access to Medicines
Michele Forzley, Widener School of Law, USA
Law and Women's Rights
Zekarias Keneaa Tesgera, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Law and Chronic Disease Management
Hailegnaw Eshete, Ethiopian Public Health Association, Ethiopia
Law and Public Health Emergencies
D.K. Sekimpi, Uganda National Association of Community and Occupational Health (UNACOH), Uganda
See more of: Solicited Sessions