33 Assesment of Major Antiretroviral Adverse Reactions and Associated Factors Among Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Hossana Hospital Southern Ethiopia;2010

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Abay Poster Exhibition and Hall (Millennium Hall)
Likawunt S. Asfaw Hossana Health Science College, Ethiopia

Assessment of major antiretroviral adverse reactions and associated factors among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Hosanna Hospital, Southern Ethiopia; Cross-sectional study /2010

Likawunt Samuel

Background: Antiretroviral therapy could suppress viral replication and stop progression of the disease. Properly taking the medication is imperative to achieve desired effects of antiretroviral therapy. This study aimed at assessing antiretroviral adverse reactions and associated factors.

Objective: To assess major antiretroviral adverse reactions and associated factors among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Hosanna Hospital, November /2010.

Methodology: Cross sectional study was conducted among 228 patients newly linked to antiretroviral therapy in Hosanna Hospital in 2008. Structured questionnaire used to collect data. Summary measures mean, chi-square and regression were utilized to quantify magnitude and identify independently associated factors.

Result: Out of 228 subjects 126 (55.3%) were female, average Clusters of Differentiation human immune cell (CD4) count was 141.8. Twenty five (11%) participants developed major toxicities, severe anemia (56%), skin rash (24%), neurotoxicity (16%) and hepatotoxicity (4%). Most, 23 (92%) seen in first 3 months of initiation. Tuberculosis -co infected, started late and female were more likely to develop adverse reactions.

Conclusion: Sever forms of adverse reactions were high among participants. Co- infection and delay initiation were positively associated with anti retroviral adverse reactions.

Recommendation: Treating co-infections, starting without delay and   follow up with due emphases to risk groups were recommended.

Key words: ART adverse reactions

Learning Objectives: To assess major antiretroviral adverse reactions and associated factors among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Hosanna Hospital, November /2010