Education in Health: Training of Health Agents by Students of Medicine

Thursday, April 26, 2012
C: Adanech Kidanemariam Hall (Millennium Hall)
Paulo D. S. Mota Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Aida F. L. L. Araújo Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Danielle F. F. Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Carolline A. A. Pereira Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Érica R. C. Matos Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Cristiane M. Fonsêca Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Adriano A. S. Pedrosa Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, Brazil
Identifying the problem - To better attend the population, continuous education in health is mandatory for health professionals. So being, health agents in the Family Health Program are to be constantly ‘trained’ and able to recognize health issues in the community and take prophylactic measures. The Education Program for Health at Work is a facilitator that permits reciprocity between the health students’ and teachers’ knowledge and the exchange of experiences with community health agents.

Scenario: during the first semester of 2011, many discourses and presentations were held for local community health agents in a municipality of the northeast’s arid region, situated far from the medical university.

Development: the topics presented by students of the 9th and 12th grade were selected according to relevance and prevalence within the population: parasites and personal hygiene, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy, cervical cancer and breast cancer. Presentations were carefully prepared, with attention to accessible language and terminology.

Main Results: certainly, these moments enriched the local community health agents, who prepared themselves to recognize sicknesses and educate the population to better cultivate healthy habits and routines. The students of medicine involved in the activity obtained further benefits, since they had the opportunity to get to know a different culture, research and prepare presentations and discourses, while becoming familiar with professionals that will be a part of their future professional circles and develop the sense of education in health.

Conclusions: the medical academic insertion in activities that foresee health education, reveals itself as a fundamental tool for the student to practically comprehend the importance of promoting health improvement while combating the current privatized ideals and models of medicine. These activities permit students to develop their multiple capacities at work while recognizing the important role of local community health agents in the Family Health Program.

Learning Objectives: The Education Program for Health at Work is a facilitator that permits reciprocity between the health students’ and teachers’ knowledge. This case exposes the exchange of knowledge by means of training provided by students of medicine to local community health agents.