Policies in All Sectors to Reduce Mortality and Morbidity From Natural Disasters

Thursday, April 26, 2012
B: Aklilu Lema Hall (Millennium Hall)
Frederick Krimgold, Ph.D. Virginia Tech, USA
Health is a fundamental component of Disaster Risk Management. The fundamental objective of disaster management policy is the protection of life and property from natural and technological hazards and malicious actions. Protection of population health begins with identification and reduction of risks to health. In the case of natural hazards this includes the siting and construction of human settlements to avoid and or resist extreme events. The first priority of disaster response is life-saving and protection of affected populations. Finally, disaster recovery is predicated on reduction of future risks to health and material security.  This presentation will offer recommendations to housing and food policies to improve health, and include examples from the speaker’s work in Ethiopia, Turkey, Armenia, Mexico, the Philippines, and Haiti. 


Learning Objectives: Health is a fundamental component of Disaster Risk Management. The fundamental objective of disaster management policy is the protention of life and property from natural and technological hazards and malicious actions. Protection of population health begins with identification and reduction of risks to health. In the case of natural hazards this includes the siting and construction of human settlements to avoid and or resist extreme events. The first priority of disaster response is life-saving and protection of affected populations. Finally, disaster recovery is predicated on reduction of future risks to health and material security.