Diarrhoea Dialogues: From policies to progress - a call for urgent action to prevent the biggest killer of children in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
D: Dennis G. Carlson (Millennium Hall)
Stephanie Gill Tearfund, United Kingdom
Tesfaye Tesema Gintamo Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development, Ethiopia
This research conducted by NGOs PATH and Tearfund, investigates how Mali, Ethiopia and Zambia are addressing diarrhoea. It examines the policies and strategies that are in place to both prevent children getting diarrhoea and stop children from dying once they have it. As well as highlighting the challenges each country faces in implementing diarrhoea control, it also looks at the existing opportunities in each country that could be developed to improve its response. It concludes with recommendations urging countries to undertake a comprehensive review of their existing policies relating to diarrhoea control and to develop a framework that will strengthen coordination


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