344 Assessment of barriers of youth friendly reproductive health service provision

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Abay Poster Exhibition and Hall (Millennium Hall)
Aseffa Abraham Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Ethiopia
Neega Barakie Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Associations, Ethiopia
Background:  Developing countries are facing immense reproductive and other health problems such as, unsafe abortion, sexually transmitted infections, substance use and abuse, injuries are the most common. Lack of education, high unemployment rate and limited choice for reproductive health services make girls to indulge in early marriage.  In Ethiopia, the sexual and reproductive health of young people has become a major public health concern, particularly with the advent of AIDS. There is a growing awareness and concern about the very high rates of unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and STD/HIV infection among young people.  The family guidance association of Ethiopia (FGAE), implements youth programs in Ethiopia starting early 80s with the provision of family life education. However, FGAE has invested a great deal in the youth center model. Despite the attempts made, little progress has been made in reaching the majority of young people.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in April 20 to Jun 7, 2009 qualitatively and quantitatively using standardize cheek list, client exit interview, a key in format interview and un in-depth interviews.  The study used youth center head as a key in formats, providers and peer promoters for the in-depth interview using a purposive sampling method as well, a randomly selected maximum of 30 clients for the exit interview.  Data quality was cheeked every day for completeness, timelines and relatedness. The data were processed using EPI-info and hand on for analysis.

Result: A total of 30 clients (5 male and 25 female) were involved in the exit interview and response rate was 98%. About half of the participants responded, facility location was convenience. 70% & 80% of respondents mentioned facility service hour and fee is convenient and affordable respectively except, 30% of respondents who were students and employed reported it is not convenient hour.

Learning Objectives: This study was conducted to identify barriers for providing and utilizing friendly reproductive health service and give a road map to intervene based on prioritized gaps in Harar FGAE model youth center.