202 Network of Health Care in Brazil to Consolidate the Primary Health Care

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Abay Poster Exhibition and Hall (Millennium Hall)
Luisa L. Barros Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Clara L.V. de Almeida Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Fabiana M.N. Silva Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Luciana P. Gomes Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Michelli P. Costa Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Carla P. Marques Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Network of Health Care in Brazil to Consolidate the Primary Health Care

The network of health care can be defined as "a network of organizations that provides or makes arrangements to provide adequate and equitable health services integral to a defined population and is willing to be accountable for their clinical and economic results and the state health of the population it serves "(OPAS, 2010). The proposal and discussion of the Health Care Network (HCN), its conformation and organization stems from the experiences of integrated health systems. In Brazil such a discussion is premised on the Primary Health Care (PHC) as a strategy for reorganizing the health system as the only one compatible with the proposed HCN. In this direction, and considering that Brazil should be established and elaborated considering the elements: people, organizational structure and the model of health care in effect, part of the need for fundamental change in the management of HCN. Such a change is made in the current management based on the bid for management based on population. Considering that "health care based on population is the ability of a health care system to establish the health needs of a specific population with risk stratification, implement and evaluate health interventions for this population and to provide care for people in the context of their culture and their preferences "(Mendes, 2011), it is necessary to consolidate an agenda for the primary health involving an integrated set of interventions with these: increased coverage of PHC team, supporting and strengthening the PHC, adequate infrastructure, more stable working relationships, multidisciplinary teams, among others that might legitimize the PHC and to involve the community management proposal based on population.

Keywords: primary health care, health care network, population.

Learning Objectives: 1-Identify how the primary health care is working in Brazil over time. 2-Analyse the organization of services and actions aimed at health care newwork in Brazil. 3-Promote a discussion about the insufficiency of complete coverage of actions, programs and primary care services to 100% of the population.